Polity Quiz (Parliament) 20th Nov 2017

By: D.K Choudhary

Q.1   How is Rajya Sabha dissolved?(MP. PCS 2010)

(A)      At the end of chairman’s tenure.

(B)      President dissolves after 5 years.

(C)       Dissolves with Lok Sabha automatically.

(D)      None of them

Ans:- (D)

Only the first statement is correct. Its members are elected by the elected members of the legislative assemblies [Art. 80 (4) ]. The tenure of member of council of states is 6 years, and 1/3rd members are retired after every 2 years. The council of states shall not be subject to dissolution. The vice—president of india is ex—officio chairman of the council of states and attorney general of india has the right t speak in both the house of the parliament.


Q.2   The Rajya Sabha can be dissolved by? (UP. PCS 2012)

(A)      The President.                               (B)      The Prime Minister.

(C)       The Council of Ministers.                       (D)      None of these.

Ans:- (D)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.3   The number of members nominated by the president in Rajya Sabha? (B. PCS 1996)

(A)      10                               (B)      15

(C)       12                               (D)      20

Ans:- (C)

According to Article 80, the president may nominate 12 persons in Rajya sabha belonging to the area of literature, Science, Art, and Social Services.


Q.4   President may nominate in council of States total? (UP. UDA/ LDA 2006)

(A)      10 Members                                   (B)      2 Members

(C)       15 Members                                   (D)      12 Members

Ans:- (D)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.5   The first actress to be nominated to Rajya Sabha? (MP. PCS 1999)

(A)      Jayalalitha                           (B)      Nargis Dutt

(C)       Vaijayanthimala                (D)      Devika Rani

Ans:- (B)

Narigis Dutt was the first Indian actress nominated to Rajya Sabha in 1980. Her tenure was from 3, April, 198 to 3 May 1981. Vajayanthimala Bali was nominated to Rajya Sabha from 27 August 1993 to 26 August 1999. Jayalalitha was nominated Rajya Sabha member from 3 April, 1984 to 28 January 1989. Devika Rani Chaudhari was the first Indian actress to recive Dada Saheb Phalke Award in 1969.


Q.6   Which of the following statements is correct regarding the Rajya Sabha? (UP. PCS 1994)

(A)      1/3 of its members retire every two years.

(B)      1/2 of its members retire every two years.

(C)       1/2 of its members retire every three years.

(D)      1/3 of its members retire every three years.

Ans:- (A)

Rajya Sabha is a permanent house and is not subject to dissolution as per Article 83(1) of the Constitution of India. But as nearly as possible, one—third of its members shall retire every two years.


Q.7   Which one of the following comes under the exclusive power of the council of State? (UP. PCS 1997)

(A)      Creation of new All India Services.

(B)      Election of Vice—President of India during casual vacancy.

(C)       Abolition of legislative council of any State.

(D)      Removal of its chairman.

Ans:- (A)

The creation of new all India services comes under the exclusive power of the council of states. One or more all India services can be created by the resolution of the council of states supported by not less than two—third of the members present and voting which is necessary or expedient in the national interest to do so. The creation of all India Services is provided in Article 312.


Q.8   Which one of the following statements is not correct regarding the power of the parliament to legislate on a matter in the State List. (UP. PCS 2011)

(A)      The Rajya Sabha has to declare that it would be necessary in the national interest.

(B)      A resolution has to be passed by Rajya Sabha by not less than 2/3 of the members present and voting.

(C)       The legislation could be for the whole or any part of the country.

(D)      Only the Rajya  Sabha can make laws with respect to a matter in the state list in the national interest.

Ans:- (D)

The statement (D) is incorrect. According to Article 249, the parliament may legislate on any subject enumerated in the state list in the national interest. To enable parliament to make such a law, council of state must have passed a resolution to that effect supported by 2/3 of its members present and voting. Such a law must be necessary or expedient in the national interest. Law made under Article 249 by parliament may operate over whole or any part of the territory of India.


Q.9   The parliament of India acquires the power to legislate on any item in the State list in the national interest if a resolution to that effect is passed by the? (I.A.S 2016)

(A)      Lok Sabha by a simple majority of its total member-ship

(B)      Lok Sabha by a majority of not less than two-third of its total membership

(C)       Rajya Sabha by a simple majority of its total membership

(D)      Rajya Sabha by a majority of not less than two-third of its members present and voting

Ans:- (d)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.10   consider of following statements:

  1. The Rajya Sabha has no power either to reject or to amenda Money Bill.
  2. The Rajya Sabha cannot vote on the Demands for Grants.
  3. The Rahya Sabha cannot discuss the Annual Financial Statements.

            Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

(A)      1 only

(B)      1 and 2 only

(C)       2 and 3 only

(D)      1, 2 and 3 only

Ans:- (b)

According to Article 109 of the Indian Constitution, a Money Bill shall not be introduced in the Council of States. After Money Bill has been passed by the House of People it shall be transmitted to the Council of States for its recommendation and Council of States shall within a period of 14 days from the due date of its receipt of the Bill return the Bill to the House of People with its recommendation and House of people may thereupon either accept or reject all or any of the recommendation of the Council of States. So Rajya Sabha has no power either to reject or amend the Bill. According to Article 113(2) of the Indian Constitution estimates are submitted in the form of Demands for grants to the House of People and only House of People has power to assent or refuse to assent, Rajya Sabha cannot vote on the Demand for Grants. So the statement 1 and 2 are correct, and statement 3 is wrong.

About D.K Chaudhary

Polityadda the Vision does not only “train” candidates for the Civil Services, it makes them effective members of a Knowledge Community. Polityadda the Vision enrolls candidates possessing the necessary potential to compete at the Civil Services Examination. It organizes them in the form of a fraternity striving to achieve success in the Civil Services Exam. Content Publish By D.K. Chaudhary

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