Polity Quiz (The Parliament) 15th Nov 2017   

BY: D.K Chaudhary

Q.1   The function of the pro—tem speaker is to? (UP. PCS 2010)

(A)      Conduct the proceedings of the house in the absence of the speaker.

(B)      Administer oath to members.

(C)       Officiate as a speaker when the speaker is unlikely to be elected.

(D)      Only check it the election certificates of the members are in order.

Ans:- (B)

As soon as the new Government is formed, the legislative section of parliament prepares a list of the senior most Lok Sabha members, and one of them is appointed as pro—tem speaker. The function of pro—tem speaker is to administer the oath to the newly elected members of the house and conduct proceeding till a regular speaker is chosen.


Q.2   The speaker of the Lok Sabha makes use of his casting vote only? (UP PCS 2008)

(A)      To save the existing government.

(B)      In Case of constitutional Amendment.

(C)       In case of emergency.

(D)      In case of a tie when votes are equally divided.

Ans:- (D)

Article 100 (1) of the Indian constitution provides a procedure for voting in the house. Any question at any sitting shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members present and voting. According to 100(1), the speaker or person acting as chairman or speaker, shall not vote in the first instance, but shall have and exercise a “casting vote” in the case of an equality of votes. Article 96 gives a different exercise of casting vote by speaker. According to Article 96(2), the speaker shall have right to cast vote in the first instance on the question of resolution for his removal, but not in the case of equality of votes.


Q.3   Which one of the following Articles of the constitution provides that the speaker shall have and exercise a casting vote in the case of an equality of votes? (UP. PCS 2015)

(A)      Article 99                             (B)      Article 101

(C)       Article 100                          (D)      Article 102

Ans:- (C)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.4   Who was the first speaker of Lok Sabha? (MP. PCS 2012, UP. PCS 2011)

(A)      G.V Mavalankar                             (B)      Hukum Singh

(C)       B.D. Jatti                                          (D)      V.V Giri

Ans:- (A)

G.V Mavalankar was the Speaker of the First Lok Sabha.


Q.5   The first speaker against whom a motion of non confidence was moved in the lock Sabha was? (UP. PCS 2000)

(A)      B.R Jakhad                           (B)      G.V. Mavalankar

(C)       Hukum Singh                      (D)      K.S. Hegde

Ans:- (B)

Acharya J.B Kripalani with 21 parliament members of opposition moved a no—confidence motion against first Lok Sabha speaker G.V Mavalankar on 15 December, 1954. This motion was refused by Lok Sabha on 18 December, 1954.


Q.6   The first female speaker of Lok Sabha is? (UP.PCS 2008)

(A)      Vijay Laxmi Pandit                                    (B)      Sucheta Kriplani

(C)       Tarkeshwari Sinha                                    (D)      Meera Kumar

Ans:- (D)

The first woman speaker of Lok Sabha, was Meera Kumar. She was chosen unopposed as speaker and served from June 2009 to June 2014.


Q.7   Present Lok Sabha Deputy Speaker is? (B. PCS 1999)

(A)      Mr. M.P. Sayeed                           (B)      Mrs. Nazma Heptulla

(C)       Mr. C.M. Balayogi                         (D)      None of these

Ans:- (*)

At the time if question (In 1999), P.M Sayeed was the deputy speaker of the house. Charnjit Singh Atwal was the Deputy speaker of 14th Lok Sabha, and Karia Munda was the deputy speaker of 15th Lok Sabha. At present, in 16th Lok Sabha M. Thambidurai is the deputy speaker of the house.


Q.8   In case the Deputy Speaker is presiding the Lok Sabha he Has right to? (UP. PCS 2016)

(A)      Take part in its deliberations.

(B)      Vote on any proposition before the house as a member.

(C)       Vote in the event of equality of votes.

(D)      No right to preside a joint sitting of the house of parliament in case the speaker is absent.

Ans:- (C)

According to Article 95 of the Indian constitution, when the office of speaker is vacant, it shall be performed by deputy speaker where he can vote in the event of an equality of votes while other are not the rights of speaker.


Q.9   Who among the following was the first Tribal speaker of Lok Sabha? (UP.PCS 2015)

(A)      G.V Mavalankar                             (B)      G.M.C Joshi

(C)       Manohar Joshi                               (D)      P.A Sangma

Ans:- (D)

P.A Sangma was first tribal Union Minister. He assumed the post in 1995. Later he become the first tribal speaker of Lok Sabha in 1996.


Q.10   The Lok Sabha Secretariat comes under the direct control of the? (UP. PCS 1997)

(A)      Union Home Ministry.                            (B)      Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs.

(C)       Prime Minister.                                         (D)      Speaker of the Lok Sabha.

Ans:- (D)

The Lok Sabha Secretariat works under the direction and control of the Speaker of the house. The Secretariat has supreme authority over its employees, premises, and assets of the parliament and exercises this authority through Secretary (as provided by Article 98 and rules 124 and 124-A).


Q.11   The lok sabha Secretariat comes under the direct supervision of? (U.K PCS 2012)

(A)      Ministry of Home Affairs.                      (B)      Ministry of Parliamentary affairs

(C)       President of India.                                                (D)      Lok Sabha Speaker.

Ans:- (D)

The Lok Sabha Secretariat works under the direction and control of the Speaker of the house. The Secretariat has supreme authority over its employees, premises, and assets of the parliament and exercises this authority through Secretary (as provided by Article 98 and rules 124 and 124-A).


Q.12   In the case of election to the Lok Sabha the amount of security deposited by general category candidates and SC/ ST category candidates respectively is? (I.A.S 2012)

(A)      Rs. 5000 and Rs. 2500.                            (B)      Rs. 10000 and Rs. 2500.

(C)       Rs. 10000 and Rs. 5000                          (D)      Rs. 15000 and Rs. 7500.

Ans:- (*)

At the time of question, the amount of security deposit for general category candidates and SC/ ST category was 10,000 and 5,000 respectively. But election commission increased the security deposit in 2011, which are as follows—

Lok Sabha election–  General category 25000/-

SC/ ST category  12,500/-

State Legislative Assembly Election—General Category –10000/- SC/ ST Legislative Assembly Election—5000/-


Q.13   At which of the following stages general discussion on a bill takes place in the Lok Sabha? (UP.PCS 2006)

(A)      During introduction of the Bill.

(B)      During second reading.

(C)       During report stage.

(D)      During third reading.

Ans:- (B)

There are three states under which a bill has to pass in either of the house. At the first stage, leave is asked for introduction of the bill and if granted bill is introduced. The second stage of reading of bill consist of consideration of bill which occurs in two stages. At first stage, the general discussion on the bill as a whole and at second state clause by clause consideration of bill as introduced or reported by select or Joint committee. At third stage reading debate is confined to the argument, after that member in charge can move that the bill is passed.


Q.14   Which of the following are exclusive powers of Lok Sabha in comparison to the Rajya Sabha? (UP. PCS 2014)

  1. A Money / Finance bill can be introduced only in the house of the people.
  2. Regarding the rejection or amendment of Money bill.

III.       The accountability of council of Ministers.

  1. Concerning the creation of one or more All India serverces.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:


(A)      I, II, III And IV                                  (B)      I, II, And III

(C)       I, III, And IV                                      (D)      II, III, And IV

Ans:- (B)

The Lok Sabha in comparison to Rajya Sabha has exclusive powers in regards to the introduction of a money bill, its rejection and amendment as provided in Art. 109. The  accountability of the council of ministers is to the house of people as provided in Article 75(3), whereas Rajya sabha has exclusive powers with regard to the creation of one or more All India Services (Art. 312).


Q.15   Consider the following statements in relation to woman members of 15th Lok Sabha? (R.A.S/ R.T .S 2013)

  1. They are less than 10% if total members.
  2. Maximum of them belong to Indian National Congress.

III.       Three members are elected from Rajasthan.

  1. Maximum women members are elected from Uttar Pradesh.

Which is are true:

(A)      I, II AND III                                       (B)      I, III, AND IV

(C)       II, III, AND IV                                   (D)      I, II, AND IV

Ans:- (C)

In 15th Lok Sabha the number of women members was more than 11% of the total number of members. There were total 63 women members out of which 25 were from congress and 13 from BJP. There were three women members elected from Rajasthan and highest 12 women member from Uttar Pradesh.

About D.K Chaudhary

Polityadda the Vision does not only “train” candidates for the Civil Services, it makes them effective members of a Knowledge Community. Polityadda the Vision enrolls candidates possessing the necessary potential to compete at the Civil Services Examination. It organizes them in the form of a fraternity striving to achieve success in the Civil Services Exam. Content Publish By D.K. Chaudhary

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