By: D.K Choudhary
- Which writ is for protection of personal liberty? – ‘ to have the body of ‘
- If the person has been detained unlawfully without assigning a reason of such detention the supreme court of india can issue which type of writ among following. – Habeas Corpus
- In what condition the writ of habeas corpus is issued: – Unlawful detention by police
- What is called by the order issued by the supreme court or a high court for enforcement of the fundamental rights. – Mandamus.
- Which of the writ is issued against a unauthorized person? -Mandamus.
- Which of writ can be issued by the supreme court or a high court to perform a task that he failed to perform? -Mandamus.
- What type of writ can be issued to Courts, Corporation, Public official or persons to perform their public duties? – Mandamus.
- To whom mandamus can be issued by the Supreme court? – To a public official asking him to perform his official duties.
- Which of the writ issued by the supreme court or a high court to dismiss an authority ? – Quo Warranto.
- Under which writ a public official can be declared ‘Strike as unconstitutional’ and punishable because: -It violates the fundamental tights enjoyed by some groups.
- When an emergency is in operation under Article 352 which of the constitutional provisions remains suspended? – –Fundamental Rights.
- Under what condition the fundamental right of the citizen of india can be suspended? – – During ‘National Emergency’