Polity quiz 6th September 2016 (English)

Polity quiz 6th September 2016 (English)

By: D.K Choudhary

Q.1            On the subjects mentioned in the concurrent list laws may be enacted by the?

(SSC 1999)

(1)       State and the Union                     (2)       Union Alone

(3)       States Alone                                   (4)       States and the Union Territories

Answer (1)


Q.2            What is the maximum number of starred questions that can be asked in lok sabha on a particular day? (SSC 1999)

(1)       15                   (2)       20                   (3)       25                   (4)       Without Limit

Answer (2)


Q.3            Rajya Sabha being a permanent house? (SSC 1999)

(1)       one- third of its members retire every two years.

(2)       one- half of its members retire every three years.

(3)       one- fifth of its members retire every years.

(4)       one- sixth  of its members retire every years.

Answer (1)


Q.4            The joint session of both the houses of parliament is summoned by? (SSC CGL 1999)

(1)       Speaker of the Lok Sabha                       (2)       President

(3)       Prime Minister                                          (4)       Chairman of Rajya Sabha

Answer (2)


Q.5            The president of India can nominate how many members from the Anglo-Indian community to the Lok Sabha? (SSC 1999)

(1)       4                      (2)       2                      (3)       Any number                        (4)       only one

Answer (2)


Q.6            Who is the referred to as the Supreme Commander of Forces in India? (SSC 2000)

(1)       General of the Army                    (2)       Defense Minister

(3)       President                                         (4)       Field Marshal

Answer (3)


Q.7            Which item out of the following is contained in the concurrent List? (SSC 2000)

(1)       Trade Unions                      (2)       Agriculture

(3)       Tolls                                       (4)       Markets and fairs

Answer (1)


Q.8            The Residuary powers of the Indian Union are? (SSC 2000)

(1)       Vested with the Centre                          (2)       Vested with the States

(3)       There are no residuary powers                       

(4)       They are distributed between the centre and the State

Answer (1)


Q.9            The Maximum number of nominated members to the rajya Sabha are? (SSC 2000)

(1)       10                   (2)       12                   (3)       14                   (4)       15

Answer (2)


Q.10 One-Third of the members of the Rajya Sabha retire? (SSC 2000)

(1)       Every year                           (2)       Every two year

(3)       Every Three year               (4)       Every Four year

Answer (2)

About D.K Chaudhary

Polityadda the Vision does not only “train” candidates for the Civil Services, it makes them effective members of a Knowledge Community. Polityadda the Vision enrolls candidates possessing the necessary potential to compete at the Civil Services Examination. It organizes them in the form of a fraternity striving to achieve success in the Civil Services Exam. Content Publish By D.K. Chaudhary

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