Polity Quiz 31st Dec 2017

By: D.K Chaudhary

Q.1   The 10 commandments, which were added by 42nd amendment Act, in constitution of India, are called as? (B. PCS 2001)

(A)      Fundamental Raights                              (B)      Fundamental Duties

(C)       Panchayati Raj Principles                       (D)      Directive Princples of State Policy

Ans:- (B)

Part IV-A and Article 51-A Fundamnetal Duties were added to the Constitution of India by 42nd amendment, 1976 on the recommendation of Swaran Singh Committee. At present, the total number of Fundamental Duties is 11. Originally they were 10 in number.


Q.2   Which one the following amendment Acts is related to Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution? (UP. Lower Sub. 2002)

(A)      38th                                         (B)      41st

(C)       42nd                                        (D)      45th

Ans:- (C)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.3   Fundamental Duties were incorporated in the constitution of India by the? (B. PCS 2001)

(A)      32nd amendment                           (B)      42nd amendment

(C)       15th amendment                            (D)      46th amendment

Ans:- (B)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.4   The 42nd amendment Act, 1976 had incorporated into the constitution of India a new chapter on? (B. PCS 2000)

(A)      Administration of Union Territories              (B)      Formation of Inter—State Councils

(C)       Fundamental Duties                                            (D)      None of these

Ans:- (C)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.5   In which year fundamental duties of citizens were introduced by 42nd amendment? (UK. PCS 2006 )

(A)      1976                                      (B)      1975

(C)       1978                                      (D)      1980

Ans:- (A)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.6   Which of the following statements regarding fundamental duties is not true? (UP. PCS 2003)

(A)      They can be enforced bu writs

(B)      They can be promoted only by constitutional methods

(C)       They can be used for interpreting ambiguous statites

(D)      The performance of any particular duty comes within the sphere of constitutional law which court has to decide.

Ans:- (A)

Fundamental duties can be enforced by writs. The fundamental duties are defined as the moral obligations of all the citizens to help, promote a spirit of patriotism and to uphold the unity of India.


Q.7   Which one of the following is a fundamental duty in India? (B. PCS 2001)

(A)      Separation of Judiciary from executive       

(B)      To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture

(C)       Free and compulsory education

(D)      Abolition of untouchability

Ans:- (B)

To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture is a fundamental duty mentioned under Article 51 – A (F).


Q.8   The Fundamental Duties of a citizen do to not include duty? (UP. Lower Sub. 2008)

(A)      To protect and improve the natural environment

(B)      To cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom

(C)       To strive towards abolition of untouchability

(D)      To develop scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of enqurity and reform.

Ans:- (C)

To strive towards the abolition of untouchability is not a fundamental duty. Article 17 of the fundamental Rights in Part III of the constitution deals with abolition of Untoushability.


Q.9   Protection of which one of the following is a fundamental duty of an Indian citizen? (UP. Lower Sub. 2008)

(A)      Village Panchayat                                     (B)      National Flag

(C)       Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribes   (D)      Wild Life

Ans:- (D)

According to Article 51A, it shall be the duty of every citizen of India to abide by the constitution and repect its ideals and institutions, the national flag and the National Anthem and to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life and to have compassion for living creatures. There is no statement regarding protection of National Flag. So option D is the correct andwer.


Q.10   “It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the natural environment”?

The above statement refers to which of the following Article  of the constitution of India? (UP.PCS 1998)

(A)      Article 21                             (B)      Article 48 – A

(C)       Article 51 – A                     (D)      Article 56

Ans:- (C)

It shall be the duty of citizen of India to protect and improve the natural environment” is mentioned under Article 51A (G) in Fundamental Durties (Part – IV A).


Q.11   What one of the Following is incorrect? (UP. PCS 2009)

(A)      Fundamental Duties are the part of the Fundamental Rights.

(B)      Fundamental Duties are not a part of Fundamental Raghts.

(C)       Fundamental Duties are enumerated in part – IV A of the Indian Constitution.

(D)      Article 51A explains the duties of every citizen of India.

Ans:- (A)

The givin statement A is incorrect because the Fundamental Duties are not a part of the fundamental Rights raher Fundamental Duties were included in the constitution of Indian through 42nd amendment in 1976 in Part – IV A of the Indian Constitution which currently enumerates 11 Duties for every citizen of India.


Q.12   Which one of the following is not a Fundamental Duty? (UP. PCS 2007)

(A)      To respect the National Anthem.

(B)      To safeguard public property.

(C)       To protect monuments and places of public importace.

(D)      To protect and improve in the natural environment.

Ans:- (C)

To protect monuments and places of public importance is not mentioned under Article 51A of the Indian Constitution.


Q.13   How many Fundamental Duties are there in the Indian Constitution? (UP. PCS 2014)

(A)      9                                              (B)      11

(C)       12                                           (D)      20

Ans:- (B)

There are 11 Fundamental Duties in part IV—A of the  Indian Constitution. Originally there were 10 Fundamantal Duties, but 11th Duties was added by 8th Amendment act, 2002. 51A(K) was added for parents or guardian to provide an opportunity for education to their children between the age of 6 and 14 years.


Q.14   Which one of the following is NOT provided in part IV A (Fundamantal Duties) of the Indian Constitution? (UP. PCS 2014)

(A)      To respect the National Flag.

(B)      To promote spirit of brotherhood amongst all prople of India.

(C)       To respect out parents and teachers.

(D)      To preserve the rich heritage of  our composite culture.

Ans:- (C)

To respect our parents and teachers is not mentioned among eleven Fundamantal Duties of the Constitution of India.


Q.15   “To uphold and protect the sovereighty, Unity and Integrity of India” is a provision made in the? (I.A.S 2015)

(A)      Preamble of the Constitution.             (B)      Directive Principles of State Policy.

(C)       Fundamantal Rights.                                (D)      Fundamantal Duties.

Ans:- (D)

Part IV—A of the Constitution deals with the Fundamental Duties. Originally the constitution of India did not contain these duties. Fundamental duties were added by 42nd and 86th Constitutional Amendment Acts. At present there are 11 Fundamental Duties. Citizens are morally obligated by the constitution to perform these duties. It shall be the duty of every citizen of india to uphold and protect the Sovereignty, Unity and Integrity of India.

About D.K Chaudhary

Polityadda the Vision does not only “train” candidates for the Civil Services, it makes them effective members of a Knowledge Community. Polityadda the Vision enrolls candidates possessing the necessary potential to compete at the Civil Services Examination. It organizes them in the form of a fraternity striving to achieve success in the Civil Services Exam. Content Publish By D.K. Chaudhary

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