Polity Quiz 28th Nov 2017

By: D.K Chaudhary

 Q.1   How to many days Rajya Sabha has to return money bill to Lok Sabha? (UP. Lower 2009)

(A)      12 days                     (B)      14 days

(C)       16 days                     (D)      18 days

Ans:- (B)

The finance bill consists of two types of bill namely money bill and ordinary bill. In the case of a money bill, the council of state shall return the bill to the house of people within fourteen days, and the ordinary bill has no time limit. Since the options given in the question includes fourteen days and the infinite time limit has not been given. Hence, the finance bill has been taken as money bill. The money bill is introduced in Lok Sabha.


 Q2.  Which one of the following statements is correct? (UP. PCS 2010)

(A)      Money bill introduced in Rajya Sabha.

(B)      Money bill introduced in Lok Sabha.

(C)       It can be introduced in either of the houses of the parliament.

(D)      It cannot be introduced in Lok Sabha.

Ans:- (B)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.3   Money bill is introduced in?(UP.PCS 2012)

(A)      Lok Sabha.                                                               (B)      Rajya Sabha.

(C)       Joint setting of both houses.                            (D)      None of the above.

Ans:- (A)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.4   When a bill is referred to joint sitting of both houses of the parliament, it has to be passed by? (I.A.S 2015)

(A)      A simple majority of members present and voting.

(B)      ¾ majority of members present and voting.

(C)       2/3 majority of the houses.

(D)      Absolute majority of the houses.

Ans:- (A)

According to the article 108(4), if at the joint sitting of the two houses the bill with such amendments, if any as are agreed  to in joint sitting is passed by a majority of total number of members of both the houses present and voting, it shall be deemed to have been passed by both houses. This indicates that only a simple majority of member present and voting is required.


Q.5   Who among the following presides over a joint sitting of two houses of the parliament? (UP. PCS 2014)

(A)      President                                                     (B)      Prime Minister

(C)       Chairman of Rajya Sabha                        (D)      Speaker of Lok Sahba.

Ans:- (D)

The speaker of Lok Sabha presides at a joint sitting of two houses of the parliament.


Q.6   Who presided over the joint session of both the houses of the parliament? (UP. PCS 2010)

(A)      Speaker                                (B)      Vice—President

(C)       President                             (D)      Prime—Minister

Ans:- (A)

Article 118 of the constitution of India is related to the rule of procedure. Joint session of two houses is presided over by the speaker of the Lok Sabha. During the absence of the speaker from any joint sitting, it is presided by the deputy speaker of the house or if he is also absent, the deputy chairman of the council and if he is also absent such other person as may be determined by the members present at a sitting, shall preside.


Q.7   Who among the following, presides over the joint sitting of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha? (UP. PCS 2005)

(A)      Chairman Rajya Sabha.                            (B)      Speaker

(C)       Prime Minister                                          (D)      Protem Speaker

Ans:- (B)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.8   The joint session of both houses of parliament is presided over by? (UP. PCS 2010)

(A)      President.                                        (B)      Vice President.

(C)       Speaker of Lok Sabha.                 (D)      Chief Justice of India.

Ans:- (C)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.9   Who among the following is authorized to preside over the joint session of the parliament? (UP. PCS 2013)

(A)      President of India.                                                (B)      Vice—President of India.

(C)       Prime—Minister of India.                      (D)      Speaker of Lok Sabha.

Ans:- (D)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.10   Joint session of both the houses of parliament is concerned:- (B. PCS 1995)

  1. For the election of the president of India.
  2. For the election of the Vice—President of India.
  3. To pass the bill relating to the amendment of constitution.
  4. To discuss and pass such a bill where both houses have different opinions.

Select your answer from the following codes:

(A)      1 and 4                                  (B)      3 and 4

(C)       1 and  2                                 (D)      Only 4

Ans:- (D)

According to Article 108 of the Constitution, a joint session of both the houses is concerned to discuss on such a bill on which both the houses have a different opinions. Joint session is presided over by the speaker of the Lok Sabha.  

About D.K Chaudhary

Polityadda the Vision does not only “train” candidates for the Civil Services, it makes them effective members of a Knowledge Community. Polityadda the Vision enrolls candidates possessing the necessary potential to compete at the Civil Services Examination. It organizes them in the form of a fraternity striving to achieve success in the Civil Services Exam. Content Publish By D.K. Chaudhary

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