
Polity Quiz 26th Nov 2017

By: D.K Chaudhary


Q.1 The strength of the Lok Sabha was increased from 525 t 545 through which amendment? (UP. PCS 2004)

(A)      31st                             (B)      35th

(C)       42nd                            (D)      45th

Ans:- (A)

31st Constitutional amendment act, 1973 increased the strength of the Lok Sabha from 525 to 545. Number of members to represent state was increased from 500 to 525 and number of member to represent union territory was decreased from 25 to 20.


Q.2     According to the Article 82 of the constitution of India, the allocation of seats in Lok Sabha to the states in on the basis of the – census? (MP. PCS 2008)

(A)      1961                          (B)      1971

(C)       1981                          (D)      1991

Ans:- (B)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.3     Presently the number of seats of each state in Lok Sabha is allotted on the basis of? (UP. PCS 2003)

(A)      Census of 1951                  (B)      Census of 1961

(C)       Census of 1971                  (D)      Census of 1981

Ans:- (C)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.4   The state wise seat allocation in Lok Sabha is based on? (Chhatti. PCS 2005)

(A)      Population                           (B)      Area

(C)       Poverty                                 (D)      Language

Ans:- (A)

For the need of election of Lok Sabha members, each state shall be divided into territorial constituencies in such manner that the ratio between the population of each constituency and the number of seats allotted to it is so far as practicable and the same throughout the state. This procedure of allocation shall not apply to a state having a population less than or up to six million. These provisions above have been made under article 81 of the constitution.


Q.5   There is no reservation for SC and ST for Lok Sabha in? (UP. PCS 2000)

(A)      Arunachal Pradesh                                   (B)      Jammu and Kashmir

(C)       Meghalaya                                                  (D)      All of the above

Ans:- (D)

Till 2008, there was no reservation for SC and ST in the State of Arunachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Goa, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Sikkim, but now after delimitation in 2008 both seats of Lok Sabha for the State of Meghalaya have been reserved for SC and ST. andman and Nicobar Island, Chandigarh, Daman and Diu and Puducherry are Union Territories where no seats are reserved for SC and ST.


Q.6   Reservation of seats for ST in the Lok Sabha does not exist in the states of? (UP. PCS 1998)

(A)      Kerala and Tamil Nadu                            (B)      Karnataka and Kerala

(C)       Tamil Nadu and Karnataka                     (D)      All of the above

Ans:- (D)

There was no reservation for scheduled tribes to be a member of Lok Sabha in the State—Arunachal Pradesh, Goa, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Meghalaya Nagaland , Punjab, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh. After delimitation of 2008 Karnataka and Meghalaya both have reserved seats (2-2 seats) for scheduled tribes for the member of Lok Sabha.


Q.7   If the number of seats allocated to a state in the Lok Sabha is 42, than the number of seats reserved for the scheduled castes in that state will be? (UP. RO/ ARO/ 2014 IAS 1996)

(A)      21                                           (B)      14

(C)       7                                              (D)      6

Ans:- (D)

According to Article 330(2) the number of seats reserved in any state or Union territory for the scheduled caste or scheduled tribes under clause (1) shall been, as nearly as may be, the same proportion to the total number of seats allocated to that state/ UT in the House of the people as the population SC/ST bears to the total population of the state/ UT.


Q.8   Which one of the following states has the highest number of reserve seats for the scheduled tribes in the Lok Sabha?

(A)      Bihar                                      (B)      Uttar Pradesh

(C)       Madhya Pradesh               (D)      Gujarat

Ans:- (C)

The maximum 5 seats reserved for scheduled tribes in Lok Sabha after the recommendation of delimitation commission in 2008, is in state of Madhya Pradesh. There are 4 seats in the  state of Gujarat. Apart from these Jharkhand and Orissa also have 5-5 seats reserved 4-4 seats for SC’s in Lok Sbaha. These is no seat reserved for ST’s in state of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.


Q.9   Which one of the following states elects the largest number of members representing schedule tribes to the House of People? (UP. PCS 1997)

(A)      Andhra Pradesh                             (B)      Bihar

(C)       Madhya Pradesh                           (D)      Maharashtra

Ans:- (C)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.1.   Who holds power to appoint the nominees from Anglo—Indian Community in the Lok Sabha? (B. PCS 2000)

(A)      Minorities Commission.                         (B)      President of India.

(C)       Prime Minister                                          (D)      Vice—President

Ans:- (B)

The President holds power to nominate the Anglo—Indian member in Lok Sabha. According to Article 331, if the president is of the opinion that the Anglo—Indian Community is not adequately represented in the house of the people, he may nominate not more than 2 members of that community.

About D.K Chaudhary

Polityadda the Vision does not only “train” candidates for the Civil Services, it makes them effective members of a Knowledge Community. Polityadda the Vision enrolls candidates possessing the necessary potential to compete at the Civil Services Examination. It organizes them in the form of a fraternity striving to achieve success in the Civil Services Exam. Content Publish By D.K. Chaudhary

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