By: D.K Choudhary
Which of the writ issued by the supreme court or a high court to dismiss an authority ? – – Quo Warranto.
Under which writ a public official can be declared ‘Strike as unconstitutional’ and punishable because: -It violates the fundamental tights enjoyed by some groups.
When an emergency is in operation under Article 352 which of the constitutional provisions remains suspended? – –Fundamental Rights.
Under what condition the fundamental right of the citizen of india can be suspended? – – During ‘National Emergency’
Which part of Indian constitution pertained to the direction principles of state policy. – Part-IV.
Art. 40 of the constitution of india provides for free legal aid aof scheduled caste and scheduled tribes. – True.
What is the basis objective of ‘directive principles of state policy’. –To ensure social and economic foundation for true democracy.
What is the propose of including direction principles of state policy in the constitution of india. – -To Ensure social and economic Democracy in India.
From which country the to directive principles of state policy have been adopted to Indian constitution. – Ireland.
From which of the constitution the notion of direction principles of state policy has been adopted by Indian constitution framers? – The Republic of Ireland.
What is the main reason to include ‘Directive principles of State ’ in the constitution of India? – -To establish welfare state.
In which part of the Indian constitution provision to constitute india as a welfare state has been provided? –Part-IV of the Constitution of India.