Polity Quiz 20th Dec 2017

By: D.K Chaudhary

Q.1   Who amongst the following is the head of Indian Republic? (UP. R.O/A.R.O 2013 )

(A)      President of India.                        (B)      Prime minister of India.

(C)       Cabinet.                                (D)      Political head along with the council of ministers.

Ans:- (A)

According to the Article 53(1) of constitution, the executive power of the union shall be vested in the president and shall be exercised by him either directly or through officers subordinates to him. The prime minister is appointed by the president and is the head of the council of ministers, and it is not necessary for a person to be a member of either house of the parliament at the time of his appointment as the prime minister of India.


Q.2   Which one of the following amendments to the Indian constitution empowers the president to sent back any matter for reconsideration by the council of ministers? (I.A.S 2002)

(A)      39th                                         (B)      40th

(C)       42nd                                        (D)      44th

Ans:- (D)

Article 74 (1) of the Indian constitution states that the president may require the council of ministers to reconsider such advice. President may send back any matter for reconsideration as provided by 44th amendment Act, (1978).


Q.3   The president can dissolve Lok Sabha on? (MP. PCS 1999)

(A)      Recommendation of Chief Justice of India.

(B)      Lok Sabha’s recommendation.

(C)       Recommendation of the Union Cabinet.

(D)      Rajya Sabha’s recommendation.

Ans:- (C)

According to Article 85(2)(B), the president may dissolve House of people Lok Sabha on the advice of council of Ministers as per the Article 74 (1).


Q.4   The president of India can dissolve the Lok Sabha on the recommendation of? (Chhattisgarh PCS 2003)

(A)      Rajya Sabha.                                   (B)      Election Commission.

(C)       Chief Justice of India.                  (D)      Cabinet.

Ans:- (D)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.5   The joint sitting of the houses of people and the council of states is summoned by? (UP. PCS 2012)

(A)      The President.                   (B)      Speaker of Lok Sabha.

(C)       Parliament.                         (D)      Chairman of Rajya Sabha.

Ans:- (A)

The Joint sitting of the house of the people and the council of states can be summoned by the president in certain cases prescribed in Article 108 of the constitution.


Q.6   The Joint sitting of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha under Article 108 is summoned by? (UP. PCS 2015)

(A)      Chairman of Rajya Sabha.                       (B)      Speaker of Lok Sabha.

(C)       Prime Minister.                                         (D)      President.

Ans:- (D)

See the explanation of the above question.


Q.7   Who among the following can call the joint session of Indian Parliament? (UK. PCS 2003)

(A)      President.                                        (B)      Vice—President.

(C)       Prime Minister.                             (D)      Speaker of Lok Sabha.

Ans:- (A)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.8   Which one of the following statements about the president of India is not correct? (UP. PCS 2010)

(A)      He is a constituent part of parliament.

(B)      He participates in the discussions in the both houses.

(C)       He addresses the joint meeting of both the houses every year.

(D)      He can promulgate ordinances in certain situations.

Ans:- (B)

According to Article 79 of the Indian constitution, the president of India is a constituent part of the parliament. He addresses the two houses at a joint meeting every year. He can promulgate ordinances according to Art 123 during the recess of parliament. He does not participate in the parliamentary discussions.


Q.9   The only instance when the president of India exercised his power of veto, is related to? (I.A.S 1993)

(A)      The Hindu Bill Code.                                            (B)      The PEPSU Appropriation Bill.

(C)       The Indian Post Office (Amendment)            Bill.    (D)      The Dowry Prohibition.

Ans:- (C)

President Dr. Rajendra Prasad applied absolute Veto on the advice of council of ministers over the PEPSU Appropriation bill 1954, whereas the president Gyani Zail Singh exercised a pocket veto in Indian Post Office Amendment Bill in 1986. Hence, pocket veto can be regarded as the veto power used by the president on his discretion. Therefore, option (C) is the correct answer.

Q.10   Who among the following president exercised a power which is “Pocket veto” in constitutional terminology? (Chhattisgarh PCS 2015)

(A)      Dr. Rajendra Prasad.                    (B)      V.V. Giri.

(C)       Gyani Zail Singh.                            (D)      Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.

Ans:- (C)

A Pocket Veto is a legislative maneuver that allows a president t exercise that power over a bill by taking no action (instead of affirmatively voting it or sending back for reconsideration.) Till date pocket vet has been exercised only once in India by the president. in 1986 Gyani Zail Singh of Postal Bill exercised Pocket Veto.

About D.K Chaudhary

Polityadda the Vision does not only “train” candidates for the Civil Services, it makes them effective members of a Knowledge Community. Polityadda the Vision enrolls candidates possessing the necessary potential to compete at the Civil Services Examination. It organizes them in the form of a fraternity striving to achieve success in the Civil Services Exam. Content Publish By D.K. Chaudhary

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