Polity Quiz 15th Jan 2018

By: D.K Chaudhary

Q.1   Which Article of the Indian Constitution eradicates untouchability and prohibits its practice in any from? (UP. PCS 2015)

(A)      Art. 14                                  (B)      Art. 21

(C)       Art. 17                                  (D)      Art. 19

Ans:- (C)

Article 17 abolishes untouchability and declares that its practice in any form is forbidden and enforcement of any disability arising out of untouchability shall be an offence and punishable by law.


Q.2   Article 17 of the Indian Constitution deals with? (MP. PCS 2013)

(A)      Education                                                     (B)      Health

(C)       Abolition of untouchability                   (D)      Food Guarantee

Ans:- (C)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.3   Which one of the following Articles of the Constitution abolished untouchability? (UP. PCS 1994)

(A)      Article 18                             (B)      Article 17

(C)       Article 16                             (D)      Article 15

Ans:- (B)

Article 17 of the Indian Constitution abolished untouchability.


Q.4   A Court can presume that any act constituting offence was committed on the ground of untouchability—if such offence is committed in relation to? (MP. PCS 2013)

(A)      A member of SC                                         (B)      A member of ST

(C)       A member of any community               (D)      None of the above.

Ans:- (A)

Under section 12 of Civil Rights Protection Act, 1955 the Court may presume that any act forming offence is done on the ground of untouchability, if such offence is committed in relation to a member of Scheduled Caste.


Q.5   Which Article of the constitution of India is related with Freedom of the Press? (B. PCS 2005)

(A)      Art.19                                   (B)      Art.20

(C)       Art.21                                   (D)      Art.22

Ans:- (A)

According to Article 19 of the Indian Constitution Freedom of the press is not given directly but supreme court held that right to freedom of speech and expression include right to Freedom of the press.


Q.6   Which Article of the Constitution ensure the Freedom of the Press? (UP. PCS 2004)

(A)      Art.16                                   (B)      Art.19

(C)       Art.22                                   (D)      Art.31

Ans:- (B)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.7   Indian Constitution does not give right to freedom of the press, but it is included in? (UP.U.D.A./L.D.A. 2001)

(A)      Article 19 (1)(A)                            (B)      Article 19 (1) (B)

(C)       Article 19 (1)(C)                             (D)      Article 19 (1)(D)

Ans:- (A)

Indian Constitution does not give directly right to freedom of the press but it isincluded in Art. 19 (1) (A), which provide right to freedom of speech and expression.


Q.8   In Which Article the Fundamental Rights to Freedom of Speech and Expression is provided in the constitution of India? (UK. U.D.A./L.D.A. 2007)

(A)      Article 14                             (B)      Article 19

(C)       Article 21                             (D)      Article 22

Ans:- (B)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.9   Freedom of News Papers in India? (I.A.S. 1994)

(A)      Specially provided by Article 19 (1)(a)

(B)      Is secured under Article 19(1)(b)

(C)       Secured by Article 361—A

(D)      Has origin by the enforcement of Rule of Law.

Ans:- (A)

Freedom of the newspapres or press in not directly provided by the constitution but included in 19(1)(A) as freedom of speech and expression. In the case of Sakal Papers Ltd. Vs. Union of India, 1962 the Supreme Court stated theat freedom of the Press is included in freedom of speech and expression.

Q.10   As a part of the Right to Freedom which one of the followings does not from part of Freedom to Assemlbe Peaceably and without Arms? (Jharkhand PCS 2013)

(A)      Gherao officials not performing their duties.

(B)      Peaceful assembly.

(C)       People who assemble should not bear arms.

(D)      State can make a law imposing reasonable restrictions on the exercise of this Right.

Ans:- (A)

Article 19(1) (B) provides the freedom to assemble peaceably and without arms and under 19 (3) the state can inpose reasonable restriction in the interest of public order.

About D.K Chaudhary

Polityadda the Vision does not only “train” candidates for the Civil Services, it makes them effective members of a Knowledge Community. Polityadda the Vision enrolls candidates possessing the necessary potential to compete at the Civil Services Examination. It organizes them in the form of a fraternity striving to achieve success in the Civil Services Exam. Content Publish By D.K. Chaudhary

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