Polity Quiz 13th July 2017

By: D.K Choudhary

Q.1         Stability of the Government is assured in: (SSC CGL 1999)

(1)          Parliamentary form of Government.

(2)          Presidential form of Government.

(3)          Plural Executive System.

(4)          Direction Democracy.

Answer (2)

Q.2           According to the indian constitution the vacancy in the office of the president of India shall be filled within? (SSC CGL 1999)

(1)          1 Months             (2)          6 Months             (3)          3Months              (4)          1 Year

Answer (2)


Q.3         In indain republic the real executive authority rests with the? (SSC CGL 1999)

(1)          Prime Minister                                 (2)          President

(3)          Bureaucrats                                                        (4)          Council of Ministers

Answer (4)


Q.4         Parliamentary form of Government is also known as? (SSC CGL 1999)

(1)          Responsive Government                                             (2)          Responsible Government

(3)          Federal Government                                     (4)          Presidential Government

Answer (2)


Q.5         The minimum age of the member of Rajya Sabha is? (SSC CGL 1999)

(1)          25 Years                               (2)          21 Years

(3)          30 Years                               (4)          35 Years

Answer (3)


Q.6         Who among the following are not appointed by the president of India? (SSC CGL 2000)

(1)          Governor of State                                           (2)          Chief justice and judges of High Court

(3)          Vice- President                                                (4)          Chief justice and judges of Supreme Court

Answer (3)


Q.7         What is the period within which a proclamation of national emergency made by the president is to be placed before each house of the parliament for approval? (SSC CGL 2000)

(1)          Within one month                                          (2)          Within two month

(3)          Within four month                         (4)          Within six month

Answer (1)


Q.8         A money bill passed by the lok sabha is deemed to have  been passed by the rajya Sabha also when no action is taken by the Upper House Within? (SSC CGL 2000)

(1)          10 days                 (2)          14 days

(3)          20 days                 (4)          30 days

Answer (2)


Q.9         What can be the maximum interval between two sessions of parliament? (SSC CGL 2000)

(1)          three months                    (2)          four months

(3)          six months                                          (4)          nine months

Answer (3)


Q.10       The maximum permissible gap between two sessions of the parliament is? (SSC CGL 2000)

(1)          3 months                             (2)          4 months

(3)          5 months                             (4)          6 months

Answer (4)


Q.11       Who among the following decides if a particular bill is a Money Bill or Not?

(SSC  Audit 2001)

(1)          President                                                                            (2)          Speaker of Lok Sabha

(3)          Chairman of Rajya Sabha                              (4)          Finance Minister

Answer (2)


Q.12       Which of  the following standing committees of parliament has no MP from Rajya Sabha? (SSC 2002)

(1)          Public Account Committee

(2)          Estimates committee

(3)          Committee on public Undertaking

(4)          Committee on government Assurances

Answer (2)


Q.13       How are legislative excesses of parliament and assemblies checked? (SSC CGL 2002)

(1)          Intervention from president/ governor

(2)          No Confidence motions

(3)          Judicial review

(4)          General elections

Answer (3)


Q.14       No money bill can be introduced in the lok sabha without the prior approval of the?

(SSC CPO 2003)

(1)          Vice-President                                 (2)          President

(3)          Prime minister                 (4)          Finance Minister

Answer (2)


Q.15       Rajya Sabha enjoys more powers than the Lok Sabha in the case of ? (SSC CGL 2003)

(1)          Money Bill                                                                          (2)          Non Money Bill

(3)          Setting up of new All-India Services       (4)          Amendment of the constitution

Answer (3)

About D.K Chaudhary

Polityadda the Vision does not only “train” candidates for the Civil Services, it makes them effective members of a Knowledge Community. Polityadda the Vision enrolls candidates possessing the necessary potential to compete at the Civil Services Examination. It organizes them in the form of a fraternity striving to achieve success in the Civil Services Exam. Content Publish By D.K. Chaudhary

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