Polity Quiz 09th Jan 2018

By: D.K Chaudhary

Q.1   Which one of the following is not among the six fundamental rights provided by the constitution of India? (UP. PCS 2015)

(A)      Right to Equality                           (B)      Right to protest

(C)       Right against Exploitation         (D)      Right to freedom of Religion

Ans:- (B)

At present the Right to property is a legal right viz. no person shall be deprived of his property save by authority of law under Art. 300 A, inserted by the 44th amendment. part—III of constitution related to fundamental right includes right to equality (Art. 14—18 ), Right Against Explanation (Art.23—24 ) and right to freedom of Religion (Art. 25—28 ).  


Q.2   Which one of the following is not a fundamental right? (UP. PCS 2002)

(A)      Right to Freedom              (B)      Right to Equality

(C)       Right to Property              (D)      Right Against Exploitation

Ans:- (C)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.3   Which one of the following is not a Fundamental Right?

(A)      Right to Constitutional remedy

(B)      Right to Property

(C)       Right to Peaceful Assembly

(D)      Right to free movement all over the country

Ans:- (B)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.4   Indian Constitution does not grant which of the following Rights? (MP. PCS 2010)

(A)      Right to Equal Shelter                             (B)      Right to Equality

(C)       Right to Freedom of Religion               (D)      Right to Liberty

Ans:- (A)

The Indin Constitution gives Right to Equality (Art.14—18) , Right to freedom of Religion (Art. 25—28 ) and Right to Libery (Art. 19—22 ) but does not provided Right to Equal Shelter.


Q.5   The Right to Equality is granted by 5 Articles in the Indian Constitution. There are? (UP. R.O./A.R.O. 2014)

(A)      Article 13—17                   (B)      Article 14—18

(C)       Article 15—19                   (D)      Article 16—20

Ans:- (B)

See the explanation of above question.


Q.6   Which of the following is not a Fundamental Right granted by the Indian Constitution to the citizens? (R.A.S/ R.T.S. 2003)

(A)      Right to Settle in any part of the Country

(B)      Right to Gender Equality

(C)       Right to Information

(D)      Right against Exploitation

Ans:- (C)

The Right to Information is not given to citizens as a Fundamental Right. It is a legal or statutory right which is provided under right to information Act. 2005. All others right given in the options are Fundamental rights.


Q.7   Which one of the following rights is available to all persons under the Inidian Constitution? (UP. PCS 2010)

(A)      Right to Equal Protection of the law

(B)      Right against Discrimination

(C)       Right to Liberty

(D)      Cultural and Educational Rights

Ans:- (A)

The Equal Protection  of law and equality before law is guaranted by the Article 14 which is given to all persons under the Indian Constitution, but the right Against Discrimination (Art. 15, 16), Right to Liberty Art.29 and the Cultural and Educational Right Art. 29—30 are available only to citizens of India.


Q.8   A British citizen staying in India cannot claim right to? (I.A.S. 1999)

(A)      Freedom of Trade and Profession

(B)      Equality befoe the law

(C)       Protection of life and personal liberty

(D)      Freedom of Religion

Ans:- (A)

A Britsh citizen staying in India cannot claim Right to Freedom of trade and profession because the right which has been provided under Article 19(1) (g) is only to the citizen of India. But other three Right given in the options are available to every person.


Q.9   Which one of the following Articles of the Constitution of India is related to Equality before law? (UP. PCS 2015)

(A)      Article 16                             (B)      Article 15

(C)       Article  14                            (D)      Article 13

Ans:- (C)

Q.10   Which one of the following Rights conferrd by the Constitution of India is also available to non citizens? (Jharkhand PCS. 2011)

(A)      Right to Constitutional Remedies

(B)      Freedom of Speech

(C)       Freedom to move and settle in any part of the  Country

(D)      Freedom to Acquire Property

Ans:- (A)

The right to constitutional remedies is available to both citizens of India and non Citizens (foreigners) but right to freedom of Speech, freely travel throughout the country and to acquire property is given only to the citizens of India.

About D.K Chaudhary

Polityadda the Vision does not only “train” candidates for the Civil Services, it makes them effective members of a Knowledge Community. Polityadda the Vision enrolls candidates possessing the necessary potential to compete at the Civil Services Examination. It organizes them in the form of a fraternity striving to achieve success in the Civil Services Exam. Content Publish By D.K. Chaudhary

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