Polity Quiz 08th Oct 2017

By: D.K Choudhary

Q.1        Usually a big difference is seen in theory and practice in ? (SSC CGL 2014)

(1)           Presidential form of government.

(2)           Fascist type of government

(3)           Parliamentary form of government

(4)           Socialist type of govetnment

Ans. (4)


Q.2 What is the ancient school of law? (SSC CISF 2014)

(1)           The philosophical school                  (2)           The Historical school

(3)           The Analytical school                                         (4)           The Sociological school

Ans. (1)


Q.3        Which among the following is not a preventive detention act? (SSC CISF 2014)

(1)           Terrorist and disruptive activities (Prevention Act, (TADA)

(2)           Prevention  of terrorism act (POTA)

(3)           Conservation of foreign exchange and prevention of smuggling activities act (COFEPOSA)

(4)           Foreign exchange regulation act, (FERA)

Ans. (4)


Q.4        Wildlife protection act was implemented in india in? (SSC CGL 2013)

(1)           1972                        (2)           1986                        (3)           1964                        (4)           1956

Ans. (1)


Q.5        Which of the following is not dealt under section 3 (3) of the environment (Protection) Act, 1986?  (SSC CGL 2014)

(1)           The Biodiversity authority                 (2)           The coastal zone management authority

(3)           Authority set-up to monitor the state of notified ecologically sensitive areas.

(4)           Protection of plant varieties and formers right  authority.

Ans. (4)


Q.6        The playing time (In seconds of full version of Indian national anthem is) SSC CGL 2013

(1)           60                            (2)           52                            (3)           55                            (4)           57

Ans. (2)


Q.7        In india woman had never been a chief minister in the state of ?  (SSC CAPF 2014)

(1)           Tamil Nadu                            (2)           Rajasthan

(3)           Uttar Pradesh       (4)           Maharashtra

Ans. (4)


Q.8        Public  opinion is ? (SSC CGL 2014)

(1)           the Opinion of the majority

(2)           The opinion of the people on political matters

(3)           Opinion of the citizens of the country

(4)           The Opinion based on reasoning which is for the welfare of the whole society.

Ans. (1)


Q.9        On which data did the Rajya Sabha pass ”The Marriage Laws “ (Amendment) Bill 2012?

(SSC CGL 2014)

(1)           18th August 2013                                   (2)           5th August 2013

(3)           26th August 2013                                   (4)           23rd August 2013

Ans. (3)


Q.10      When did the constituent assembly  adopt national anthem? (SSC Ldc 2014)

(1)           25th January 1950                  (2)           26th January 1950

(3)           24th January 1950                  (4)           29th January 1950

Ans. (3)

About D.K Chaudhary

Polityadda the Vision does not only “train” candidates for the Civil Services, it makes them effective members of a Knowledge Community. Polityadda the Vision enrolls candidates possessing the necessary potential to compete at the Civil Services Examination. It organizes them in the form of a fraternity striving to achieve success in the Civil Services Exam. Content Publish By D.K. Chaudhary

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