Indian Polity Quiz 29th Dec,2016

By: D.K Choudhary


Q.1      The Judge of the Supreme Court retire at the age of? (SSC 2011)

(1)        60                                (2)        65                                (3)        62                                (4)        58

Ans. (2)

Q.2      The First Act. Permitting legal marriage with a person not belonging to one’s endogamous group is?

(SSC 1999)

(1)        Hindu marriage validity Act.                                    (2)        Abolition of Untouchability Act.

(3)        Special marriage Act.                                                (4)        Arya Samaj marriage Validity Act.

Ans. (1)

Q.3      The state which have a common High Court are? (SSC 1999)

(1)        Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh                   (2)        Gujarat and Orissa

(3)        Maharashtra and Goa                                   (4)        Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan

Ans. (3)

Q.4      The Supreme Court is empowered to settle election disputes of President and vice-President. This is its? (SSC 1999)

(1)        Original jurisdiction                          (2)        Appellate  jurisdiction

(3)        Advisory jurisdiction                         (4)        Miscellaneous jurisdiction

Ans. (1)

Q.5      Which two states have a common High Court? (SSC 2000)

(1)        Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh         (2)        Haryana and Punjab

(3)        Gujarat and Maharashtra                             (4)        Kerala and Tamil Nadu

Ans. (2)

Q.6      Judges of the Supreme Court retire at the age of? (ssc 2000)

(1)        60 years                                  (2)        62 years

(3)        64 years                                  (4)        65 years

Ans. (4)

Q.7      Of the following, who held the offices of Judge of the supreme court and the speaker of the Lok Sabha? (SSC 2001)

(1)        M. Hidayatullah                                 (2)        K.S Hegde

(3)        Subba Rao                                          (4)        P.N Bhagwate

Ans. (2)

Q.8      The chief justice of a High Court is appointed by? (SSC 2001)

(1)        The President                         (2)        The Chief justice of Supreme Court

(3)        Governor of the state                       (4)        Chief minister of a state

Ans. (1)

Q.9      The first woman judge to be appointed to Supreme Court was? (SSC 2001)

(1)        Rani Jethmalani                     (2)        Anna George Malhotra

(3)        M. Fathima Beevi                   (4)        Leila Seth

Ans. (3)

Q.10    Who was the first woman Chief Justice of High Court of a state in India? (SSC 2002)

(1)        Sunanda Bhandare                (2)        Fathima Beevi

(3)        Leila Seth                                (4)        Anna Chandy

Ans. (3)

About D.K Chaudhary

Polityadda the Vision does not only “train” candidates for the Civil Services, it makes them effective members of a Knowledge Community. Polityadda the Vision enrolls candidates possessing the necessary potential to compete at the Civil Services Examination. It organizes them in the form of a fraternity striving to achieve success in the Civil Services Exam. Content Publish By D.K. Chaudhary

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