Gk Question Answer 7th March 2017

By: D.K Choudhary

1 Who came into power in Canada continuously for the third time?

Answer: Jean Chretien.

2 Which country’s capital is Ottawa?

Answer: Canada.

3 A city of one mile width and two miles length as 177 canals of 28 miles length. Name the city.

Answer: Venice.

4 Fianna Fail is a political party. Name the country where it belongs.

Answer: Ireland.

5 In which day ‘Good Friday Agreement’ was signed?

Answer: April 10, 1998.

6 The force which forms under the earth region causes earthquake. Name this earth region?

Answer: Hypocentre.

7 According to the laws of Israel, if a Prime Minister resigns his post, within which period a new Prime Minister should be appointed?

Answer: 60 days.

8 Write the scientific name of lie detector which uses by the police for proving lies?

Answer: Polygraph.

9 What is the name of military intelligence organization of Israel?

Answer: Mossad.

10 Which president of Pakistan did issue the order of exilement of Nawaz Sharif?

Answer: Muhammad Rafiq Tarar.11What is the name given to wooden carving?

About D.K Chaudhary

Polityadda the Vision does not only “train” candidates for the Civil Services, it makes them effective members of a Knowledge Community. Polityadda the Vision enrolls candidates possessing the necessary potential to compete at the Civil Services Examination. It organizes them in the form of a fraternity striving to achieve success in the Civil Services Exam. Content Publish By D.K. Chaudhary

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