By: D.K Choudhary
Answer: Jean Chretien.
2 Which country’s capital is Ottawa?
Answer: Canada.
3 A city of one mile width and two miles length as 177 canals of 28 miles length. Name the city.
Answer: Venice.
4 Fianna Fail is a political party. Name the country where it belongs.
Answer: Ireland.
5 In which day ‘Good Friday Agreement’ was signed?
Answer: April 10, 1998.
6 The force which forms under the earth region causes earthquake. Name this earth region?
Answer: Hypocentre.
7 According to the laws of Israel, if a Prime Minister resigns his post, within which period a new Prime Minister should be appointed?
Answer: 60 days.
8 Write the scientific name of lie detector which uses by the police for proving lies?
Answer: Polygraph.
9 What is the name of military intelligence organization of Israel?
Answer: Mossad.
10 Which president of Pakistan did issue the order of exilement of Nawaz Sharif?
Answer: Muhammad Rafiq Tarar.11What is the name given to wooden carving?