G.S Quiz 13th October 2016 (English)

G.S Quiz 13th October 2016 (English)

By: D.K. Choudhary

Q.1     Who among the following also had the name ‘Devanama Piyadassi’? (SSC 2003)

(1)       Mauryan King Ashoka                             (2)       Mauryan King Chandra Gupt Maurya

 (3)      Gautam Buddha                                         (4)       Bhagwan Mahavira

 Ans. (1)

Q.2     The subject matter of Ajanta Paintings pertains to? (SSC 2003)

(1)       Jainism                                  (2)       Buddhism

 (3)      Vaishnavism                       (4)       Shaivism

 Ans. (2)

Q.3     Which of the following Craftsmanship was not practiced by the Aryans? (SSC 2003)

 (1)      Pottery                                 (2)       Jewellery

(3)       Carpentry                            (4)       Blacksmith

Ans. (4)

Q.4     Mohammed—bin—Qasim conquered Sind in the year? (SSC 2003)

(1)       712 A.D.                               (2)       812 A.D.

 (3)      912 A.D.                               (4)       1012 A.D.

 Ans. (1)

Q.5     On which side did Japan fight in the First World War? (SSC 2013)

(1)       None, it wag neutral

(2)       With Germany against United Kingdom

 (3)      Against Russia on its own

(4)       With United Kingdom against Germany

 Ans. (4)

Q6      Indonesia was a colony of which of the following countries? (SSC 2000)

(1)       Dutch                                    (2)       Spain

 (3)      Portugal                               (4)       Belgium

 Ans. (1)

Q.7     The Crimean war in 1854-1856 was fought between? (SSC 2014)

(1)       Russia and Turkey                         (2)       USA and England

 (3)      Russia and Japan                           (4)       England and France

 Ans. (1)

Q8      Bangladesh was created in? (SSC 2015)

(1)       1970                                      (2)       1972

 (3)      1971                                      (4)       1973

 Ans. (3)

Q.9     Which planet is called evening star? (SSC 2000)

(1)       Mars                          (2)       Mercury

 (3)      Venus                                    (4)       Jupiter

 Ans. (3)

Q.10   The planet revolving east to west is? (SSC 2000)

(1)       Uranus                                  (2)       Neptune

 (3)      Venus                                                (4)       Pluto

 Ans. (3)

About D.K Chaudhary

Polityadda the Vision does not only “train” candidates for the Civil Services, it makes them effective members of a Knowledge Community. Polityadda the Vision enrolls candidates possessing the necessary potential to compete at the Civil Services Examination. It organizes them in the form of a fraternity striving to achieve success in the Civil Services Exam. Content Publish By D.K. Chaudhary

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