By: D.K Chaudhary
1. Who was the president of the first Lok Sabha? Ans. Gano Vasudev Mavalankar, M. Anantshyanam Iyengar
2. When was the first Lok Sabha formed? Ans. 6 May, 1952
3. Who appoints Indian ambassadors for foreigners? Ans. President
4. The power of apology is given to the President under which paragraph of the Constitution. Ans. Article 72
5. Who was the President of Flag Committee? Ans. J.B. Crowlani
6. How much time spent in the process of constitution building? Ans. Two years, 11 months, 18 days
7. When the Constituent Assembly was formed. Ans. July 1946
8. What is the world of India in the production of asbestos. Ans. First
9. Which state comes from the highest gold in the country? Ans. Karnataka
10. When was the start of the modern Olympic Games? Ans. 1896 AD
11. Man first used which metal. Ans. Copper
12. Who wrote the book of India's geography? Ans. Ptolemy
13. Who was the first Netaji of Subhash Chandra Bose? Ans. Adolf Hitler
14. Who told Mahatma Gandhi that he was an underdog? Ans. Chachil
15. What movement was given to Ballabh Bhai Patel after Sardar's title?
Ans. Bardoli Satyagraha 16. Who gave the slogan of Jai Hind? Ans. Subhash Chandra Bose