8. The first mention of Sati practice comes from the learned- by the letter of anthra
9. Where did the biggest pile of coins of coins come from - Beyna (Bharatpur)
10. Which Gupta ruler was believed to be the founder of Nalanda University - Metaphor
11. What works of Kalidas are counted in the 100 most famous works of the world - Abhigyan Shakuntalam
12. Who is credited with the invention of the decimal system of mathematics - the Mauryan era
17. Which religion established mathematics as a separate subject- Aryabhatta
18. In the area where the famous book 'Navneetakam' of the Gupta period is concerned - areas of medicine
19. Who was the first secret ruler to issue copper coins - Ramgupta
20. Who belonged to Mihirkul - from Han
21. The rulers of which dynasty practiced silver coins - the rulers of the Gupta Dynasty
22. Who called Samudragupta to India's Napoleon-Winreset Smith
23. Who were the major education centers in the Gupta period- Pataliputra, Ujjayini