Constitutional Amendments

Q.1     Of the following words in the preamble of the constitution of India which was NOT inserted through the constitution (42nd Amendment) Act, 1976? (SSC 2004)

(A)      Socialist        (B)     Secular

 (C)      Dignity          (D)     Integrity

Answer (C)

Q.2     Which amendment act, introduced changes in the preamble to the Indian constitution?( SSC 2004)

(A)      38th amendment act, 1975

 (B)     40th amendment act, 1976

 (C)      42nd amendment act, 1976

 (D)     44th amendment act, 1979

Answer (C)

Q.3     By which amendment act the fundamental duties of citizens are included in Indian constitution?  (CPSC 2008)

(A)      42nd Amendment Act       (B)     56th Amendment Act

 (C)      73rd Amendment Act       (D)     98th amendment Act

Answer (A)

Q.4     Sikkim was made an integral part of india under the? (RRB 2006)

(A)      36th Amendment    (B)     39th Amendment

 (C)      40th Amendment   (D)     42nd Amendment

Answer (A)

Q.5     The most controversial amendment passed during the emergency was ? (RRB 2006)

(A)      41st                  (B)     42nd                 (C)      43rd                  (D)     44th

Answer (B)

Q.6     Which one of the following amendments of the constitution of india deals with the issue of strengthening  of the panchayati Raj? (NDA 2008)

(A)      42nd                 (B)     44th                  (C)      73rd                  (D)     86th

Answer (C)

Q.7     The constitution (93rd amendment) Act deals with? (NDA  2009)

(A)      Local Government                       

(B)      Extension of reservation in educational institution

 (C)      Basic structure of the constitution of india

 (D)     Appointment of judges in the supreme court of india

Answer (B)

Q.8     The Method of constitutional amendment is provided in? (UP PCS Main. 2008)

(A)      Article 348              (B)     Article 358

 (C)      Article 368              (D)     Article 378

Answer (C)

Q.9     The minimum age of voting in india was lowered from 21 to 18 years by the constitutional amendment Act. ? (UP PCS Main 2007)

(A)      57th                  (B)     59th                  (C)      61st                  (D)     63rd

Answer (C)

Q.10   Which of the following constitutional amendment Acts was said to be a ‘Mini’ Constitution.? (47th BPSC 2005)

(A)      42nd                (B)      44th                 (C)       46th                  (D)     50th

Answer (A)