जीके क्विज 18 वीं सितंबर 2016 (English)
द्वारा: डीके चौधरी
Q 1. The cold Labrador current brings nine months winter to ?
(a) USA (b) Eastern Newfoundland
(c) Western Norway (d) North Sweden
Ans. (b)
Q 2. Which one of the following pairs of oceans currents meet each other near Newfound land ?
(a) Canaries and Labrador
(b) Gulf stream and Canaries
(c) Gulf stream and Canaries
(d) Kuroshio and Kurile
Ans. (b)
Q 3. Which of the following factors are responsible for the change in the regular direction of the ocean currents in the Indian Ocean ?
(a) Indian Ocean is only ‘half an icean’.
(b) Indian ocean has monsoon drift.
(c) Indian ocean is a land locked ocean
(d) Indian ocean has greater variations in salinity.
Ans. (b)
Q 4. Kuroshio is a warm ocean current which runs from ?
(a) Philippines to Japan (b) Japan to China
(c) Indonesia to Philippines(d) Sri Lanka to Indonesia
Ans. (a)
Q 5. Which one of the following is not a factor odifying ocean currents ?
(a) Direction and shape of the coast-line
(b) Tidal wave in the ocean
(c) Seasonal variations in winds
(d) Bottom topography
Ans. (b)
Q 6. Which one of the following is a warm ocean current?
(a) East Australian current
(b) West Australian current
(c) Benguela current
(d) Peru current
Ans. (a)
Q 7. Which of the following Seas has highest salinity in the world ?
(a) Mediterranean Sea (b) Black Sea
(c) Dead Sea (d) Red Sea
Ans. (a)
Q 8. The relief of the ocean floor is generally ?
(a) more uniform than that of the continents
(b) not of much significance
(c) more diverse than that of the continents
(d) show minor variation only
Ans. (c)
Q 9. The favourable percentage of sea water salinity from the point of view of fish productionis ?
(a) 2.0 to 2.5 (b) 2.5 to 3.0
(c) 3.0 to 3.5 (d) 3.5 to 4.0
Ans. (c)
Q 10. Salinity in ocean water decreases when:
(a) evaporation is more (b) wind velocity is high
(c) rainfall is heavy (d) humidity is high
Ans. (c)